On August 8, 2024, we launched a Policy Tracker in Liberia to monitor the current status of the “Draft Public Health Bill” which is at the Liberian Senate undergoing legislative scrutiny. The Bill was since passed by the Lower House on July 21, 2022 and sent to the Liberian House of Senate for consideration. Due to the 2023 general and presidential elections, the Bill was forwarded to the secretariat of the Liberian legislature. The elections have all completed and new committee was established under the new House Speaker, thus bringing in new members of the senate committee on Health. Senator Dabah Varpileh of Grand Cape county was appointed, chair-person of the Senate House committee on Health.
Given these latest developments, the Bill among several policies has been a talk of the town, raising debate on the abortion component among religious stakeholders who argue that abortion is ill-religious. with these huddles, we, along with CSOs and local community-based movements have been mobilizing youth action to raise awareness among local, interest and influence-level stakeholders on the significance of the Draft Public Health Bill in Liberia. The Bill when passed by the Liberian senate will enhance sexual and reproductive Health and Rights among women, girls and minority groups, decriminalize abortion practices and address the high level of maternal mortality rate in Liberia. Even though abortion is so topical among religious fanatics, there has been hope along the way. Attitude among stakeholders who once opposed the the passage of the Bill have rapidly declined as synergies among CSOs have increased. But beyond these little progresses, what logical innovation do we build on to guide CSOs, Movements, and local community based network?
As part of strategically directing the work of CSOs and movements, we launch the Policy Tracker. what is the Policy Tracker and which concept of intervention does it bring to an already challenging journey to reproductive rights in Liberia? The Policy tracker provides up-to-date legislative intervention and engagement towards the passage of the Draft Public Health Bill. In this context, we aspire to inform larger audiences (NOGs, INGOs, Champions, Policy Actors) on every legislative proceedings from the Senate health committee to everyone who intends to get involved with Policy Advocacy at local and national level. We work along with the senate Health Committee to gather basic policy facts, info on senate deliberation, monitoring joint sessions and following up in every stakeholders dialogue.